the contrabrowser 180

three minutes of everything else you need to know from

Thursday, January 18, 1990

contrabrowser groundrules - everything else you need to know.

contrabrowser is basically a place where people enter links to infomation that they think is "something else you should" know about something.

All of the content is generated by the "citizens" - anyone can browse the information here, but to contribute we need a small agreement of rights vs. responsibilites. we welcome anyone to "join" - there is no fee, we need no personal information, and we won't sell your email address - we just need to connect everything entered on our site with a "citizen" so that we can "ban" anything you've contributed if you are deemed harmful to the community.)

political structure: a democratically determined meritocracy with some authoritarian oversight - people vote on everything with the best information and links rising to the top, but individuals and information can be "censored" or "banned" either by vote of their peers or on the basis of authoritarian discretion if it is deemed to be biased, hateful, untrue, or otherwise harmful to the community.

values: truth is the overarching value of Always judge the truthfulness of any link posted, and judge any entry based on the degree to which the information seems credible and unbiased. The second overarching value of contrabrowser is "contra-ness" - the degree to which a piece of information needs to be known by other people. Some information is trivial and should be ignored (such as the personal lives of celebrities, rantings of lunatics, etc.), but other information is extremely important and should be shared as widely as possible. Information you find here should be truthful and valuable.